Is your kitchen in need of equipment?
/The 2021–22 budget package launches the Universal School Meals Program, with an increase in state meal reimbursements by $54 million in the 2021–22 fiscal year and an estimated $650 million ongoing Prop 98 funding beginning in 2022–23, to cover the costs of offering breakfast and lunch for all students, regardless of income eligibility.
This is big money for schools!
To prepare, the budget also provides $150 million one-time Prop 98 funds for kitchen upgrades and training for food service employees to promote nutritious foods and healthy food preparation. The amount of $120 million ($25,000 per district) will be used for kitchen upgrades and equipment. The remaining $30 million ($2,000 per district) will be used for training and promoting nutritious foods and healthy food preparation.
More info here regarding the CA Budget Act for 2021–22
SFA’s can also apply for the 2021 NSLP Equipment Assistance Grant (EAG). For California schools, you can find more information HERE. Are you located in a different state? Reach out to School Food Solutions and we can help you locate available equipment funding.
Attention CA Schools: There are only two weeks left to apply! The application deadline is 4 p.m. PST on Tuesday, December 14, 2021.